Saturday, April 16, 2011

Windows 7: Remove Default Shares


Depending on your version of Windows the default-hidden shares are:

  • C$ D$ E$ - Root of each partition. For a Windows NT workstation/W2K/2003/XP Professional computer only members of the Administrators or Backup Operators group can connect to these shared folders. For a Windows NT Server/W2K Server computer, members of the Server Operators group can also connect to these shared folders.

  • ADMIN$ - %SYSTEMROOT% This share is used by the system during any remote administration of a computer. The path of this resource is always the path to the W2K/NT system root (the directory in which W2K/NT is installed usually C:\Winnt and in XP it's C:\Windows).

  • FAX$ - On W2K Server, this used by fax clients in the process of sending a fax. The shared folder temporarily caches files and accesses cover pages stored on the server.

  • IPC$ - Temporary connections between servers using named pipes essential for communication between programs. It is used during remote administration of a computer and when viewing a computer's shared resources. This share can be very dangerous and can be used to extract large amounts of information about your network, even by an anonymous account.

  • NetLogon - This share is used by the Net Logon service of a W2K, 2003 and NT Server computer while processing domain logon requests, and by Pre-W2K computers when running logon scripts.

  • PRINT$ - %SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\SPOOL\DRIVERS Used during remote administration of printers.

  • 1. Click Start—>Run type regedit click ok

    a. For vista users Enter your UAC credentials to continue.

    2. Open the HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters

    3. Select Edit, New, DWORD (32-bit) Value. Vista & Windows 7 adds a new value to the Parameters key (If you have the key just check for correct value).

    4. Type AutoShareWks and press Enter. (You can leave this setting with its default value of 0.)

    5. Restart Windows to put the new setting into effect.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Configuring Exchange 2007 to Accept E-Mail for More Than One Authoritative Domain


by Joe P.  04/04/2011

The following example will help you configure your exchange Server 2007, to accept multiple Authoritive domains. i.e. and

  • You are changing your SMTP domain name, but have to continue to accept e-mail for the old domain name for a while. For example, you can use this procedure in the following case:
    • You change your organization name from to
    • You want to use as your SMTP domain name instead of
    You may have to keep the previous domain name for several months in case customers send e-mail messages to the previous e-mail addresses. You can set the new e-mail address as the "reply to" address. This means that the new address will be the default e-mail address displayed on all e-mail messages sent by the recipient. You can set the old e-mail address as a secondary address. This will enable the recipient to continue to receive e-mail that is sent to the old e-mail address.
Here Go:

To use the Exchange Management Console to configure Exchange 2007 to accept e-mail for more than one authoritative domain

  1. Configure the accepted domain entry by following these steps:

    • Open the Exchange Management Console. Expand the Organization Configuration node, and then click Hub Transport. Click the Accepted Domains tab in the results pane.   emc_new_domain_1
    • In the action pane, click New Accepted Domain… The New Accepted Domain wizard appears. image
    • On the New Accepted Domain page, type a name to identify the accepted domain entry. In the Accepted Domain field, type the SMTP domain name. Select Authoritative Domain. E-mail is delivered to a recipient in this Exchange organization. Click New.
    • On the Completion page, click Finish. image

*Note: That you may want to configure an email policy so that you mailboxes are configured to have the new SMTP address added to their configuration.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Configuring Exchange 2007 to Accept E-Mail for More Than One Authoritative Domain

Technorati Tags: ,,

by Joe P.  07/09, MCSE

The following example will help you configure your exchange Server 2007, to accept multiple Authoritive domains. i.e. and

  • You are changing your SMTP domain name, but have to continue to accept e-mail for the old domain name for a while. For example, you can use this procedure in the following case:
    • You change your organization name from to
    • You want to use as your SMTP domain name instead of
    You may have to keep the previous domain name for several months in case customers send e-mail messages to the previous e-mail addresses. You can set the new e-mail address as the "reply to" address. This means that the new address will be the default e-mail address displayed on all e-mail messages sent by the recipient. You can set the old e-mail address as a secondary address. This will enable the recipient to continue to receive e-mail that is sent to the old e-mail address.
Here Go:

To use the Exchange Management Console to configure Exchange 2007 to accept e-mail for more than one authoritative domain

  1. Configure the accepted domain entry by following these steps:

    • Open the Exchange Management Console. Expand the Organization Configuration node, and then click Hub Transport. Click the Accepted Domains tab in the results pane.   emc_new_domain_1
    • In the action pane, click New Accepted Domain… The New Accepted Domain wizard appears. image
    • On the New Accepted Domain page, type a name to identify the accepted domain entry. In the Accepted Domain field, type the SMTP domain name. Select Authoritative Domain. E-mail is delivered to a recipient in this Exchange organization. Click New.
    • On the Completion page, click Finish. image

*Note: That you may want to configure an email policy so that you mailboxes are configured to have the new SMTP address added to their configuration.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Creating and Assigning Logon Scripts - Windows Server 2008

Creating and Assigning Logon Scripts – Windows Server 2008

By Joe Piggee, MCSE

The whole idea of Logon scripts has changed a bit since the NT 4.0 days. I have received quite a few questions from people concerning this, and will, in the simplest manner, explain the tasks of:

·         Creating a Logon script

·         Assigning a logon script

o   Active Directory, Users and Computers (ADUC)

o   Group Policy (GPO)

First a little background:

The logon script is the file that does the actual action. It could be almost any action, as noted above. So we'll start by creating that script. Unlike the "old fashioned" method of using ADUC and the Profile tab of the users' account properties, the default location for GPO-initiated logon scripts is the deep within the SYSVOL special folder, which, by default, is shared on all Domain Controllers in an Active Directory forest, and is located in the following folder:

%SystemRoot%\SYSVOL\sysvol\<domain DNS name>\Policies\{GUID}\User\Scripts\Logon

Where %SystemRoot% is usually “C:\Windows”, <domain DNS name> is the DNS name of the domain, similar to “Yourdomain.local”, and {GUID} is a hexadecimal string representing the GUID (unique identifier) of the specific Group Policy Object in use. This folder, which is a part of the SYSVOL special folder, is replicated to all the Domain Controllers in the domain. Each GPO has its own internal User and Machine subfolders, and under them it has, if used, a Logon, Logoff, Startup and Shutdown subfolder where appropriate. Logon scripts are scripts files such as, logon.bat, logon.vbs, logon.cmd. They can be named whatever you like, but should have a commonly descriptive name. When using GPO’s you’ll eventually find out they depending on your schema, you may actually accomplish many user and computer settings without writing a single line of code. I would also recommend setting up your resources in Active Directory for the sake of Administration ease.Since, that goes beyond the scope of this; we’ll go more in depth at another time.

Let’s Roll-up Our Sleeves. The steps involved include:

1.      Create the Script

2.      Test the Script

3.      Place the script in the appropriate location.(The Netlogon Share)

4.      Assign the script to a user, group, or Organizational Unit

Setting up a Logon Script through Active Directory Users and Computers in Windows

The following sample code will map a network drive to a shared folder on my test server. Feel free to copy and use. All you’d need to do is change the UNC path to match your environment. **  Also, note that using this method, you may assign the logon script to only ONE user at a time.**

Step 1.               Create the Script.

a.       Open Notepad, or any text editor and save in on your desktop as logon.vbs Text Box: ' sample logon script
' first let's create the objects we'll be using
dim objShell, objNetwork
set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
set objNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
‘We’ll  map the M: drive to a network location
objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "M:", "\\MyServerName\ShareName"

b.      Edit the last line to match your environment, and save

Step 2.               Test it by double clicking, and review your drive mappings.

Step 3.               Now copy the file to your netlogon share.

Step 4.               Open ADUC\ Active Directory, Users and Computers. Click Start->Run-> Type dsa.msc .Press enter

Step 5.               Navigate to the user you want to assign the script to, as I have done:                                            Click Right-> Select Properties

Step 6.               Select the profile tab, and type the name of the logon script inside the  logon script textbox.                                                                     

Step 7.               Click Ok. Replicate your Domain Controllers if necessary.

Step 8.               Log-off and reboot the user’s computer and logon. That’s it!!

Setting up a Logon Script through GPO in Windows Server 2008

This is the recommended Method of assigning logon scripts.

Step 1.               Create the Script.

a.       Open Notepad, or any text editor and save in on your desktop as logon.vbs Text Box: ' sample logon script
' first let's create the objects we'll be using
dim objShell, objNetwork
set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
set objNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
‘We’ll  map the M: drive to a network location
objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "M:", "\\MyServerName\ShareName"

b.      Edit the last line to match your environment, and save

Step 2.               Test it by double clicking, and review your drive mappings.

Step 3.               Now copy the file to your netlogon share.

Step 4.               Open the Group Policy Management Console, Select Start-> Run-> gpmc.msc.

Step 5.               Navigate to the container where your user\users are, that you’ll want to assign the script to.                

Step 6.               Right Click the Container and Select “Create a New GPO in this Domain, and Link it Here”  . Give it a descriptive name. Click Ok          

Step 7.               Now right click the GPO, and select edit.

Step 8.               Now, navigate to User Configuration->Policies->Windows Settings->Scripts

Step 9.               Double Click “Logon”, and Click “Add”.

Step 10.            As long as you saved the script in the correct location, all you need to do type the name of the script. Or to be sure, click Browse, and type the unc. In my case \\joleycompserver\netlogon.                                                 Type the UNC inside the address bar

Step 11.            Select the script we created, and click open

Step 12.            You’ll see the script listed in the Add Script Window. Click Ok

Step 13.            Click Ok on the Next Window.

Step 14.            Group Policy Object Editor window.

Step 15.            Close the GPMC window





Saturday, June 20, 2009

Installing Exchange 2007 Admin tools on Vista - IIS Common Files are required

IIS Common Files are required to install Exchange Management Tools

To Install IIS 6 Compatibility by Using "Turn Windows features on or off" in Windows Vista


Click Start, type programs and features in the Search box, and then click Programs and Features in the Programs list. If you are prompted to do so, enter your credentials, or click Continue.

Under Tasks, click the Turn Windows features on or off link.

In the Windows Features dialog box, expand Internet Information Services, expand Web Management Tools, and then expand IIS 6 Management Compatibility.

Click to select both of the following check boxes:
* IIS 6 Management Console
* IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility

Click OK.

How To Get Oute following error: of Safe Mode

A client of mine had a computer that was running MS Server 2008, which pretty much starts "logically" the same as Vista. They use the Boot manager instead of Boot.ini.
When attempting to logon locally to the computer they recieve the following error:
no logon servers available to service the logon request
To fix:
1. Boot From the CD
2. Select your language, click Next.
3. Select Repair Computer.
4. Select the OS Instance. Click Next .
5. Select Command Line.
6. At the Command-Line type "bcedit". Press enter. Here you'll see an entry "safeboot = minimal". If you do see this entry, we must delete it.
7. To remove the safeboot , you should use the following : bcdedit /deletevalue {default} safeboot

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Windows Update Error 80072EE2

When running Windows Update, I kept getting an error, "Windows update Error: 80072EE2", which meant absolutely nothing to me. But alas, I got it fixed. Though I'm not sure why I received this error, outside of connecting to various networks, perhaps my DNS cache was corrupt. In any case follow these steps to fix this problem if you have encountered this error:

  1. Click on the Start button (or as they call it now, the pearl).
  2. Right click on the command prompt, and select, "Run as Administrator".
  3. Enter your Administrator Credentials, and press enter
  4. At the prompt enter the command: IPCONFIG/FLUSHDNS. Press enter.
  5. Restart your computer, and complete the update for your Vista Machine.